Early treatment for potential dental problems is the best way to ensure the future health of a child’s teeth so always seek the help of an orthodontist at the first signs of a problem.
As a child’s gums are more responsive than those of an adult, dentists will flag up any orthodontic problems at an early age and recommend treatment.
As a general rule most children will begin orthodontic treatment after the age of 12 when all of their adult teeth are in place.
However, it can become apparent that a child may need the help of an orthodontist at an earlier age.
Most children start to lose their baby teeth between the ages of four and six years old. As these initial teeth fall out and are replaced by adult teeth, issues such as delayed eruption or irregular growth may cause a problem.
Rather than wait until their teenage years, parents can seek the help of a child orthodontist to help to guide the development of these early teeth.
For youngsters from just seven years old, a child orthodontist can introduce orthodontic treatment to encourage the teeth to grow in correct alignment.
One benefit of such early intervention is that treatment will be finished at an earlier age so is less likely to interfere with secondary school exams.
Whatever age your child is, if you have a concern about their teeth it is advisable to seek the support of an orthodontist.
While your child can see an orthodontist on the NHS, private treatment is also an option.
A benefit of seeking private orthodontist treatment for your chid is that you will be able to access treatment quicker. NHS child orthodontist care frequently has a long waiting list, often as long as two years.
As early treatment is important to a good final result starting treatment as soon as possible is ideal.
Private orthodontic treatment will give your child a wider choice when it comes to having braces fitted. In self-conscious teenagers, in particular, this can be helpful in making them feel confident throughout their treatment by choosing a more discreet solution.
While metal braces are a highly effective method of straightening teeth, you orthodontist may offer your child a choice of:
It is important that your child feels comfortable throughout their orthodontic treatment and early intervention or discreet braces may make all the difference.
If you want to speak to an orthodontist about teeth straightening treatment for your child contact Stoke Orthodontic.